Wednesday, September 06, 2006


What would you like me to say?

What is your solution?

"Treat others as you'd have them treat you?"

There are three fundamental problems with that approach:
  1. You have absolutely no reason to disagree with someone who counter argues that they shouldn't abide by that rule. If truth is relative, and that's their truth, then it's legitimate.
  2. People are quite capable of violating that while believing with all their hearts they're abiding by it. I've seen it. A million times.
  3. It assumes that both parties have comparable desires about how to be treated. I've witnessed on many occasions people being quite argumentative with other people. Why? Because they seem to relish arguments. They're abiding by the rule, according to their wish about how to be treated ... but making the other person miserable. I've seen that. I've been the recipient of that ... countless times.

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