Thursday, September 14, 2006

Spock's Brain

I'm not offended at all, we're only on the Earth for a short time so I think it's good to explore our thoughts - to find out what it is we really think .. and why we think like that. But I'm also aware that discussing such issues can cause distress, so please feel free to say so and if so lets move on.

Answers such as "it just did" or "there are infinite numbers of universes" or " it's a repeating cycle" are all, in my mind, not persuasive.

The Spock-me is in favour of the repeating cycle. Can I ask why it is that you (the Spock-you) dismisses this eternal repeating cycle as not persuasive but does not dismiss the possibility of an eternal being that has always existed? What I mean is, why is it ok (to the Spock-you) that the Universe needs a creator and that God doesn't need a creator? I fully understand how the Bones-you could believe one and not the other - of course.

I am happy to reap the benefits of it in terms of medicine and computers and such, but I do not elevate science -- or perhaps "reason" would be a better, more generic phrase -- as the answer or the solution

This sounds similar to your critique of certain Christians. They are happy to take salvation-rights but are not happy to follow the doctrine. Again - why is one ok and not the other?

Maybe it's how well we keep our Spock's suppressed? And please tell me, do you buy insurance? :-) Okay I'm sure Jesus never said "do not buy life insurance" but you take my point. Again perhaps it is the Spock in us (and we all have some kind of logical side) that buys insurance?

If I could just murder my Spock I'd go walking the Earth preaching Christianity.


I'm not so sure quantum mechanics necessarily leads to the conclusion that "no such God need exist."

Neither did Einstein. Einy said "God does not play dice". I'm just extending it to "no God necessary" because God gives us reason. An unreasonable Universe has no place for God in my humble opinion, but Einstein was about a million candles brighter than me, so take your pick :-)

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