Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Chess Game

This is like a chess game for you, I know. You are harrassing my Knight with a series of clever moves and you're delighting in frustrating my game.

I'm perfectly aware of the problems of asserting Truth when Truth can't be proven.

That's the devil's game.

I'm not calling you the devil. :-)

That's the fundamental tool he employs: casting doubt on the Truth of God. There was a time when the notion of an "ultimate truth" was not questioned. It was there ... but there may have been disagreement on its nature. Now it is questioned whether it's even there.

It is the most diabolical success Satan has ever achieved. He has won the battle. It truly is a downhill slide from here, unless there is a revival of sensibilities. But I don't see that happening.

So we sink deeper into the abyss.

You ask -- implicitely -- what can save this world. I answered with the only answer that's ever made any sense to me in 46 years -- Jesus.

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