Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Indian Mysticism

"Politics and religion are obsolete; the time has come for science and spirituality. I regard that as my guiding light."

That's nothing more than modern new-age mysticism. Oprah Winfrey could have -- and probably did -- say something just like that.

But here's my real indictment of it ... what does it mean? What exactly does he mean by "spirituality?" Honestly, what does that mean?

I suspect it means nothing. Or more precisely, it's meant to mean whatever the person's selfish desires want it to mean. That is at the heart of Winfrey's "religion" ... to empower the person to elevate themselves above all else. If you listen closely to Winfrey -- I use her as an example; a powerful and unfortunately effective example of this movement today -- what she is talking about is making yourself your own god. She doesn't use that language, but that's her message.

What was the serpent's temptation to Eve? To be like God (Genesis 3:5).

I have little doubt that Nehru was under the influence of Satan. I believe the same of Oprah.

Plus, the man wore funny jackets.

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