Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Two entangled particles can be coupled so that they must swivel in opposite directions. Forcing one to spin clockwise will set the other spinning counterclockwise, no matter how far they are separated in space. They are fatefully entwined.

In the book "The Ascent of Science," Brian Silver described this. It spooked me as well. Perhaps it's me (certainly now more than when I read that book) ... but I see that as evidence for God, not some indictment of his existence, as some skeptics would use it (not you, I don't think).

Well why didn't you say so? Goodness ... that explains it all. :-)

We have a person over here in the UK called Derren Brown. He can do all that clairvoyant stuff and says it's just technique - not supernatural power - I believe him.

Have you ever seen the TV cartoon called "South Park?" One episode of that did a skewering of clairvoyants that was a stitch.

A radio minister here in the United States -- Chuck Swindoll -- once said something along these lines: "I don't believe faith healers are really working from the power of God. Why not? Because I've never once seen one go to the hospital and work down the hall, going from bed to bed." I like that sentiment ... to me it says: "Prove the sincerity of what you claim by doing it for no gain whatever."

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