Sunday, September 17, 2006

Action at a distance

Yeah, but they're not now.

Yeah but neither are the two halves of the coin in the same place now, yet still you can instantaneously know something about a point on the moon.

Perhaps particles are connected backwards and forwards in time? So if you jiggle particle A now, this jiggle returns along all points of the time line of particle A in this Universe and this affects particle B because it was connected to particle A at some point in it's history. This disturbance gets communicated forwards on particle B's time line so that particle B does something now when we wiggle particle A? That's entirely self consistent, Spock would like it. However it is pure speculation, but to my mind there must be a reason for this spooky behaviour, behaviour which Christians and Muslims can both measure for themselves. I think Spock would look for a reason for it rather than calling it illogical, wouldn't he? And yeah Bones is going "way cool!"


Suggesting that God does not need a creator may or may not be illogical I agree. I think that you are suggesting by looking at the definition of the word "create" that everything except one thing (the first thing) needs a creator - this could be correct. So the question is was the Universe created? How do we ever find out if it was or not?

Good luck in Ohio and I'm glad your old team won !

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