Monday, December 19, 2005

Surrendering our "Things"

I think the point of Luke 14:33 is very much like the central premise of Buddhism -- that is, we as humans place our trust in the wrong things. The Bible's message, over and over again, is that we should trust God and not things of this earth, be that houses, or cars, or investment accounts, or adulterous affairs, or drugs, or alcohol ... or whatever. Once our trust is firmly placed in God, then we can safely enjoy the "things" of this earth.

Note: well, not the bad things, of course. It would be mighty hard to "trust God" and continue (or resume) and adulterous affair. :-)

There really is much truth in that, but it is a very, very slippery message. I can tell you this: the times when I was most content with my faith was when I, for only moments at a time, truly did "let go" and place my trust in God. But just as quickly I'd grab hold of my "Idol-of-the-Day" and cling tightly. I am well acquainted with what are my "Idols," and it's not necessarily material things.

I will strive to perservere. One thing is certain: if God wants to hold onto me, there ain't nothing I can do to get away. If there's one thing that's rock-solid, settled doctrine in my heart it's this: God is never limited by humans.

In the meantime, work on agreeing with everything I say, okay? :-)

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Check this out ... it's my new "personal" website ... care of Comcast:

It's still under construction in a lot of places, but it's coming along.

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As "owner" of this blog, do you have a feature where updates result in an e-mail to you?

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