Friday, December 02, 2005


You wrote:

I have no idea how to love someone I can't stand.

There are few things harder to do in this life.

For me it comes with a kind of acceptance of who they are, and if they are really horrid then sometimes I tell myself it is because they are "unwell".

You can stand someone who is sick right?

For me, prayer helps, I'm not talking about someone who does abhorrent things in films and media, I am talking about one that is passing on her neuroses to her, to my, children, those that do as they wish without thinking of the ramifications to their kids. After all, they only have their children for a short time (18 years?) before they fly the nest.

Yet still we must love these people that damage our most dear. By not loving them we only hurt ourselves, and our most dear even more so.

We must do this because it is God's plan and He is in charge and it will all work ok. Prayer really does help (me) here.

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