Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Doubt is Natural

You wrote:
It doesn't fit well with evangelizing The Lord does it? There you believe 100%. No room for doubt. This is my problem with the established Church.

You know what? I'm discovering that uncertainty, doubt and fear is a more common thing than people let on. Even my man R.C. has expressed this in his MP3's. I am beginning to believe that doubt in and of itself is not the issue, but rather how we react to the doubt and whether we dwell on it or let it defeat us.

Faith is not proof -- the Bible more or less says that in several different places. Where proof is not provided, there'll be room for doubt. But when doubt corrodes the faith, then there's a problem.

I don't know what the answer is. Pray for strength?

* * *

It's not the issue of taking money with me that has me concerned, but rather whether I'll be able to maintain the income to provide the support. That's just fear and insecurity speaking. I've got oodles of those two qualities. I should sell my excess on eBay. :-)

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