Friday, June 09, 2006

Training Program Aborted

You wrote:

I see no real problem uniting the concept of God as creator and sustainer with the concept of evolution.

That's great, many Christians cannot see this.

It seems possible to me that evolution could account for the species on this planet Earth. The initial conditions and rules came from where though? If anywhere then why not from God?

In the Thompson experiment he started with random circuits and then he chose those circuits that were fit for purpose - and bred generations from them.

In "the real world" survival is the sustainer, there is no choser of circuits, it's just that the "life" that survives gets to breed.

It looks like God started it all off, is watching, can intervene but usually does not, and his creation ticks on.

Funny that you should write a post entitled "The Matrix" as I set here with my daughter playing a Playstation Game called "The Matrix".

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