Friday, June 23, 2006

Kidney Stones and Robert Tilton

First, I'm sorry to hear that draft beer is causing you to have problems. You seem to have called out the adjective draft rather intentionally. Is there another kind of beer that would be acceptable? Bottled beer? Guinness?

Perhaps your inability to drink beer is like my inability to drink vodka. Why the two of us would be afflicted like this is a mystery. I think both of us would agree that the fleeting joy of our respective drinks pales in comparison to the pain caused by the consequences. I haven't had hardly a drop of vodka in months, and to tell the truth I don't miss it much. In its place I've developed a bit of a taste for wine. :-)

Get better, my friend -- 'nads and kidneys and everything else.

* * *
I have zero respect for people like Robert Tilton. It is perfectly clear from Scripture -- when one takes Scripture in its totality -- that God makes no such promise to shower financial benefit on people for doing some thing on this earth. As your scripture references point out, Jesus specifically pointed out how difficult it is to serve God and money at the same time. The only way to break that dilemma is to not serve money; but that does not mean not having money.

It is people like Tilton and others that makes many hold "Christianity" in such contempt. I'm convinced the best evangelical tool we have is not the ability to quote chapter and verse, or craft some compelling logical argument, but to really love as Christ loved, and to be ready to explain with true sincerity where it comes from. It is such a radical thing in this world to love unselfishly, that when one does it makes people take notice. They will frequenty inquire as to what's behind the selflessness. That's when we can talk about Jesus, "who walks with us and talks with us, and tells me I am his own."

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