Sunday, June 04, 2006


A hamster? That's funny! It's funny because my lovely bride possessed hamsters for a period of a few years shortly after we were married. They're funny critters ... relatively docile (when alone) and essentially pointless, but cute.

I take it this is a present really for your lovely 9-year-old daughter?

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I don't know why people would tend to hold in tension security and adventure. Some go to the extremes of one side ... some are so beholden to the notion of security they lose sight of life; others are so wedded to free-spirited adventure that they border on irresponsible. The latter is usually the type that needs rescuing from the slopes of Everest, at great cost and risk, and then wonder why they should have to maybe ... oh, I don't know ... pay for the rescue. The former become accountants, have three kids, and lead quiet, desperate lives. :-)

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I spent this weekend installing two ceiling fans. The instructions were not very helpful. The tasks were not difficult, but the instructions seemed to make them more difficult than they needed to be. I wonder if that's because I had in mind my notion of how it should be done, and any written instructions that deviated from that notion was, therefore, confusing. Probably. I'm awful at following instructions.

But the two fans up are up and, even as I type this, stirring the air nicely.

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It was 106 degrees F today in Tucson. In the heat of the day I took the motorcycle out for a cruise, just to see how uncomfortable it would be. It was hot, that's for sure, but not altogether unbearable. But the interesting thing was this -- prior to departing I'd drank (drunk ... drinked ... I can never figure those things out) 60 ounces of water. Less than one hour later I pulled into a convenience store and quickly downed a quart of Gatorade. I'm thinking the rush of the super-dry air (less than 10% humidity) past me was literally sucking the moisture from my body. I wear a mesh armour jacket, so I don't sweat much. Or I do, but it doesn't feel like it as it evaporates so quickly.

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I desire to take a 200 mile loop tour of southern Arizona, but I'm concerned about the availability of petrol. There's just not a lot of filling stations out yonder in the desert. I should be able to make it, but I'm just a little nervous. Oh ye of little faith, huh?

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