Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Step inside

You wrote:

Any particular thing you feel does him an injustice?

Inconsistencies in the account of His life. For instance, early version of Mark (from which the other gospels are based) do not even mention the resurrection. Lot's of other things but I wouldn't like to go into them.

Do you have an example of what should be there?

Some of the other original material for a start, or at least that is what researchers lead me to believe. I wasn't there so don't know.

Scholars say that in the first three centuries that Christianity existed, there were many competing and conflicting forms of that faith, and disagreements regarding the canon. In short, there was little unity of faith then.

But, it just so happened that one Greek group popularized their form of Christianity with the non-Christian Roman Emporer Constantine I. He in turn threatened other Christian groups with torture or death unless they adopted his group's theology. Great efforts were made to destroy the writings of the competing groups, hence leaving largely the generally "mainstream" ancestor of the form of Christianity we have today. Did the "correct" form of Christianity win? Jesus existed historically for sure, and He still is there, He might be apalled at what evolved into Christianity, he might not be. I don't know, I can only guess. Maybe it is how God intended it to be. Seems an odd way to come about though. For me personally - I get the greatest sense of Jesus from looking inside - not from looking at The Bible.

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