Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Lands of The Midnight Dusk

That's what Norway and Sweden are, it never gets dark, it gets dusky and then it gets light again. Plus everything is REALLY expensive.


That verbage about the snake I have heard before (probably from your good self), what a great insult! What a creature to turn up outside your house. Did you get your double bore out or quietly waited until the thing went on it's way? As far as I know there might be a law outlawing the killing of snakes in the US - I just don't know.

Ricky Jervais (UK comedian) did a humourous sketch about the Garden of Eden and the punishment doled out by God ... for the snake, Ricky (with usual derision) said:

" ... the snake was to crawl about on its belly... not much of a punishment for a snake is it?"



I am changing to "Sunday Bloody Sunday" for the U2 sig tune.

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