Sunday, October 16, 2005

Reality used to be a friend of mine

At Newark airport I picked up a book by Brian Greene called "The Fabric of the Cosmos". I will reserve judgement until I have actually read it but this snippet from the preface bodes well :-)

"And physicists such as myself are acutely aware that the reality we observe - matter evolving on the stage of space and time - may have little to do with the reality, if any, that's out there."

Figments again ? :-)

PS. After dropping 200 bucks in the outlet mall I went to see a film called SERENITY - great if you like mindlessly violent sci-fi.

PPS. They showed a trailer to a film called JARHEAD - nothing to do with java but about the young fellows that went to fight in Iraq. Looks a bit like Apocalypse Now.

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