Wednesday, October 12, 2005

House of Cards ... and I'm holding a Full House, Aces High

You wrote:
If there were no such phenomenon as a particle being in two different places at the same time then I would not be getting hung up on this at all.
How do you know the particle was actually in two different places at the same time? How do you know that it didn't just appear to be in two difference places at one time?

The questions you raise get to the ultimate of all fundamental questions -- even more fundamental than "What is life?" -- and that question is: "What is reality?" Or, stated slightly differently, "What is existence?"

We can't say that existence is dependent upon physical matter. I have thoughts in my head that are definitely real (to me), but are not, so far as I know, comprised of molecules in my head ... except, perhaps, as it relates to the molecular structure of my brain neurons and the chemicals that provide communications between them.

You asserted:
The Universe did not exist before "I" became conscious and it will not exist after I lose consciousness.
That's a bold assertion. That means that I will cease to exist after you lose consciousness, as will you when I depart that realm. It means that each day, when someone dies, everything ceases to exist.

Does that mean that God himself ceases to exist?

Would that then imply that God himself is simply a "created reality?"

You need help, friend. Here's my prescription for you:
  • Get a six pack of Guinness
  • Put "Holy Grail" in the DVD
  • Ponder how one would cut down the tallest tree with ... a herring!

It beats pondering the reality of reality, I'll tell you that.

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