Monday, October 10, 2005

Measuring Reality

I would disagree with Mr. Schrödinger regarding "how unreal everything is unless it is measured." The love you have for your daughter is quite real, and quite unmeasurable. It can be described; it can be favorable compared to your affection for other things; but it can't be quantified or measured.

So it is with God himself. He can't be measured -- not only because he is Spirit, but also because he is infinite. Our inability to measure God does not change the reality of God. That is not to say I have just proven the reality of God ... God's existence either is or is not. But if it is, it is. And our inability to measure him plays no role in that reality.

Even in the realm of physical science, that standard falls down. We have never "measured" a black hole. We have simply drawn inferences from other measurements. That is like saying that the love you have for K is "measured" by your pulse rate when she is near, or a CAT scan of brain activity when pictures of her appear before your eyes.

I'll give you 200 quatloos for the stone!

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