Friday, October 21, 2005

Objective reality?

You asked:

If reality didn't exist, would our discussing it create it?

I'd like to ask what you mean by reality in this statement?

I assume that you mean the way things really are. But this is circular logic. All that says is "reality is real". These are just words, there must be something more to it.

If I could rephrase the question as:

"If an absolute truth didn't exist, would our discussing it create it?"

This I don't know. Interesting question. I suppose not. By my definition an absolute truth would be agreed upon by all observers, and we haven't seen that yet. Or have we?

Let's postulate for a moment that an absolute truth could be a reality - something that doesn't require everyone to agree upon it, but still it is true nontheless.

I don't know how one could ever discern this type of truth - any ideas?

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