Saturday, October 08, 2005

Patsy Cline ...

... recorded the song, "Crazy." It is a wonderful song in the traditional of "old time" country. Her voice is simply perfect in this song. And, if my memory serves me, I think Willie Nelson wrote the lyrics to that song.

I know what you're getting at with the "neurosis" thing. The need to keep myself immersed in scripture, contemplation and prayer just to keep myself anywhere near serious about the Christian faith often makes me wonder if it's all not just a mind control thing. I'm not proud of those thoughts, but those are just the kind of thoughts one would expect from a man so deeply possessed by a galaxy of neurosis. :-)

This makes me think ... does the word "neurosis" necessarily suggest something bad? A great deal of good has been done in this world in the name of Christ. Yes, some bad as well ... just as an awful lot of evil is being done in some perverted view of Islam. But on the whole I think it can be said the world is a better place because of Christianity. I suppose I could make that more generic ... because of religion.

Consider: what would this world be like if tomorrow morning everyone -- and I mean everyone -- had a deep sense of conviction that there is no God, nothing beyond this life, and no chance of ever being held accountable by a higher power ... what would the world be like that day? After a week? After a year?

The mind shudders.

Some say that the idea of a "God" is simply a manifestation of the mind to account for things they can't understand, or things they fear. They feel that with the advance of knowledge, the things not understood or feared is diminished. Interesting how, after a century of breakneck achievements in science and technology, we are, in general, more apprehensive than ever.

As you say, I choose to believe in God and Christ.

But I also maintain that my choice to do so doesn't change the reality of God and Jesus. They simply are. Our decision to believe or not believe doesn't change that.

Crazy ... I'm crazy for feelin' so lonely.
I'm crazy, crazy for feelin' so blue.
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted
and then some day you'd leave me for somebody new.

Worry, why do I let myself worry
wondering what in the world did I do.

Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you.
I'm crazy for trying
and crazy for for crying
and I'm crazy for loving you.

Worry, why do I let myself worry
wonderin' what in the world did I do.

Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you.
I'm crazy for trying
and crazy for for crying
and I'm crazy for loving you.

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