Wednesday, October 12, 2005

10th Grade

I recall vividly the moment I finally "got" the concept of geometric proofs. I struggled for well near a semester because I could not see the purpose of theorems and such ... to me it was just rote memorization of things that I couldn't apply.

Then it dawned on me, like a flash. Ah ... things taken as self-evidently true can be chained to form an irrefutable conclusion. My world made sense.

Then you come along ... suddenly, what was real is no longer real. I don't exist, unless you're consciously aware. But if I'm not conscious, then you can't exist to be conscious so I can exist ...

I recall a science show on TV, years ago, in which some geek physicist was talking about how a stone dropped will travel half the distance to the earth, then half again, and again ... until the energy it takes to measure the smallest of time increments would form a black hole.

What's up with you science guys, anyway? :-)

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