Thursday, October 27, 2005

God and dice

Postulation: Randomness is a mathematical construct that is not found in the real world. (Whatever the real world is).


Because everything seems to be intrinsically connected. Two random events can and will happen at the same time. This was proved by an Irish physicist John Bell in 1965. Maybe the acceptance that "randomness" does not exist in the real world allows us to have a real world? For if randonmess truly exists, the world is not "real" until we look at it.

To see what I mean:

One of his [Einstein's] objections was that "God does not play at dice with the universe." Bohr responded: "Quit telling God what to do!"


Einstein died many years ago, and so is not here to defend himself against claims of what he would or would not do today. Nonetheless, I tend to think that if he were alive today, Bell's theorem would force him to accept Quantum Mechanics.

David M Harrison

Question: Could it be that the dice of the Universe aren't "random" but are "loaded" in some fashion?

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