Sunday, August 20, 2006

Writely so

I appreciate your degrees of intent insight pal, it's made me think a lot. Maybe you invented something here with casual intent vs deliberate intent ? Well done anyways.

I love all of The Godfather movies, #2 is probably my favourite, which is pretty amazing because almost always film #1 is better than the #2 film of the sequence (not including Lord of The Rings!)

My favourite scene in The Godfather is where Michael is in the restaurant about to shoot the bent copper and the other mafia boss. The buildup of tension is superb, the tram car noise in the background, you can almost see Pacino's thoughts played out on his face, the fall of man in one scene.

I agree with you about James Caan being "just wrong" also, and that Bonnie & Clyde death sequence, even The Simpsons have parodied it in a few episodes - see

I went out with some friends in London last night and did some socializing, it's been at least a year since I've done anything like that, quite enjoyable but I wouldn't want to do it too often !

I wrote this append with writely ( - it's a Web 2.0 alternative to MS-Word and alledgedly supports posting to blogger. We'll see !

Test some colours and highlighting

  1. Test a bulleted list
  2. blah blah blah
Insert a table
Column heading 1
Column heading 2

Insert some special characters

Mess with the font size, this is 8 pt

It has a nice autosave feature.

Try linking to a

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