Monday, August 28, 2006

Disproving God

You wrote:
If such an individual was found (who could prove it though?) then surely this would disprove that God existed. Why would God have created something that could not have a relationship with God?
I'll agree it would create a difficulty. I'm not sure it would disprove that God existed. First, I'll quibble with one word -- something -- rather than someone. There are lots of things that God created that have no relationship with him -- rocks, my computer keyboard, etc. But I'm being excessively trivial here ... I know what you meant.

I don't really know what the answer is here. I'm less a Calvinist than I sometimes let on. I'm firmly in the camp that believes that one doesn't come to faith in Christ unless God works in that person's heart to make it happen. There's no doubt in my mind that absent his workings I would be lost in sin forever. I also believe that not everyone heeds the stirrings.

So what I'm left with is this -- does God produce stirrings in everyone's hearts, or only some people's hearts? The former then produces an easy answer -- those who come to faith do so because they heeded the call; those who do not chose to ignore the call. But the latter is a dilemma -- why some and not others? What criteria, etc., etc.

All of which I am left simply groping for answers.

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