Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I don't really like presentations, either going to them, or giving them. What ever really comes of them? Usually nothing important. A lot of good presenters are clearly (and in some cases desperately) seeking approval from their audience. I used to be like that but don't care that much anymore, I guess I found the acceptance/approval that I was looking for :-) The trouble is that on this "emperor is not butt naked" merry go round we find ourselves on we are expected to stand up and present - these days before I start I give a wink and a nod to my descendents who are about to watch me make a fool of myself.


To me the problem with Mr Dallas' definition of love *is* the use of the word intent. It's a common get-out clause used by Christians and non-Christians alike

"Well I did intend to do X but I ended up doing Y".

If for example - on a business trip - you end up getting drunk and sleeping with another woman does that mean that you do not love your wife? By Dallas' definition the answer is "no" you still love your wife - because you never set out to be unfaithful, your intention was to be faithful, even though you ended up eating the chocolate cake (sorry to be mixing those metaphors!)

Whereas in actual fact I believe that it would mean that you did not love your wife, otherwise how could you do it?

I don't think I could "cheat" on my daughter under any circumstances, but have I ever met a woman where, given the right circumstances, I would not lie to her, perhaps only a white one? I doubt it.

The thing between a man and a woman, or between a man and Jesus, is a different type of "love" compared to that between a parent and a child in terms of honesty, well it is for me anyway. If we were really honest and open with Jesus would we do the things we do? No, we'd be off preaching his word to the unwashed masses.

For my attempt at defining love see my post on New Years eve 2005:

Love to me is when the other persons happiness is more important than my own, I'm not sure that love can be fully expressed when there is sex involved, which is the opposite to what most people would say. But I think physical relations detract from love rather than enhance it. Okay I know this is an unpopular view, but I think it's backed up in part by The Bible. At least that bit was innerant :-) Love is part and parcel with missing someone when they are not around. Love can be whatever you define it to be, but it's always a positive thing, positive being relative of course. Hmmm, I realise I failed to define love. It's a configuration of mind ... a welcome sensory imput ... a positive thing.

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