Thursday, August 31, 2006

Universal Belief in The Creator

You wrote:

But I think there's a small corner of their being that wonders, just a little bit ...

I'm sure that you are correct. Even the most ardent objector to a creator must grant the possibility, however small, that there might be a creator. One counter argument to there being a creator - which got to me for a while - was that posited by the late Douglas Adams describing a puddle of water marvelling at how the hole it found itself laying in was such a perfect fit for it. But then I realised "OK but something maybe had to still make the hole to have the discussion about it in the first place didn't they?" Maybe not, but at least it gave me my hope back :-)

You asked:

I mean, would a bacteria with a mutated gene that plays a "golden rule" role think about not killing off another bacteria?

Fascinating question. The answer I think is "no" the bacteria does not think in the sense that we do, but who knows? But the fact that there are so many bacteria alive makes me think that the golden rule is somehow in everything born from natural selection, assuming my previous argument of "why populations survive" is correct, if my argument is incorrect then they don't need the golden rule gene. What about plants though - do they have the golden rule? I'll have to think about this some more !

Re: Pete Murphy I obviously don't read the same papers/magazines as your good self, have you been reading "Hello" again secretly? Is Kate Moss still going she must be 50 by now !

Spock's mind meld: Do you think ESP and suchlike is possible? Are two minds "meldable" or separated by some infinite gulf? Furthermore, what actually is a "mind" anyway ?

PS. Could we meld minds with a bacteria to see how it felt about the golden rule? :-)

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