Thursday, March 22, 2007

Yin and Jung

I can't see something traversing 93M miles instantly. My imagination isn't wide enough. :-)

Sure it is.

Take my badly drawn ant (please!)

I am highly suspicious that it is like this for us. If we could only "look" in a direction we don't normally look ("up" for the ant) and jump in a direction we normally don't go ("up" for the ant) then we could get to where we are going a lot quicker (from A to B in my example).

I imagine space to be a like a folded origami rose, folded in on itself again and again (and again) - everything is touching. Unfortunately though for us we have to traverse the paper (rose petals) we don't know how to jump across the folds.

It's amazing the complexities you can get from a single sheet of folded paper (or folded space :) I wonder what group describes the symmetries of a rose?


I had a small prang in the car a few weeks ago trying to squeeze into a space outside of Katherine's school. Just dented the bodywork of my car a little, these days though they have a new service, they bring the bodyshop to the car. So the car is parked outside of my house and some guy has erected a tent around it and is repairing the damage - saves days of losing the car to the body shop. Progress! Although you probably have had the same service in the USA for years. Here are some pics taken just now outside of my house:


Can you imagine being granted the ability -- miraculously, of course -- to "see" all the mysteries of creation revealed in your mind. Let's assume you had the capacity for emotional reaction for that moment. What would be your reaction?

Wow tough question, I really have no idea, could be anything. If I had any comprehension of the truth at all then I imagine I could feel like I felt when I was a small child. Fear and awe. Of course "outrageous laughter" could be another response, depending on what the truth was :)

How do you think you'd take it?

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