Sunday, March 18, 2007


Hey I didn't realize that Tucson was so near to the border with Mexico ... and it looks like the town of Douglas is half in the USA and half in Mexico .. not quite Istanbul I know but still a surprise to me, I think there is an air force base around there somewhere. Another good long ride pal, you can see it's significant on Google Earth, of which there is an upgrade now - well I installed the Google Pack thing and an updated Google Earth appeared.

Yeah I don't go for those low-rider type bikes much either. Still, meeting folks on the road, it would seem that everywhere in the world bikers are a strong community, I often thought this may be due to them (you!) having a common enemy ie."the car". When two bikers pass in France they stick two fingers out at eachother - not the V for victory Churchill sign, but two fingers held out horizontally. Do they do that is the USA? I love that about riding in France, impossible to do in the UK as it would mean taking your hand of the accelerator, it can only happen where you drive on the "right hand side" of the road. When I first drove in France I thought "What are all these people doing?" Then I got to really like it, it's like reaching out to touch one-another. We are community beings us humans, we like to form groups, I am convinced the behaviour is innate. It's self evident how this behaviour would have had bred in a species borne of natural selection too.


A while ago now I replied to a UK friend who aksed me my views on Global Warming:

"I don't know whether the extra CO2 in the atmosphere, and we have contributed a lot since the industrial revolution, is causing global warming or not. More research is necessary. The trouble with the whole global warming issue is that it's deemed to be a liberal/democrat flag waving banner, so everyone with a conservative/republican bent is just looking to say it's hogwash. In addition - everywhere it seems now - minority groups have far too much power, political correctness has gone mad, and "global warming" is lumped together with these "leftists". So the debate over global warming has come down to left vs right (as usual), with a bunch of "scientists" thrown in competing for grant money.

Let's stick with the facts, the first being "we have altered the composition of the Earth's atmosphere due to the burning of fossil fuels". The debate should be around understanding what this alteration means to the Earth's climate, if anything, both now and in the future."


My view is, if you are a scientist then you cannot hold to the non-falsifiable concept that Global Warming is all the result of the extra CO2 in the atmosphere due to the activities of humanity. You cannot hold to the non-falsifiability of anything. You have to keep an open mind about everything.

Question: is believing something to be non-falsifiable synonymous with having a closed mind about that particular topic?


And, "is being inconsistent like breaking a promise?" ...

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