Wednesday, March 14, 2007


What a great ad! $1 in 1961 dollars would be what in today's dollars ... $5 maybe? $10 at the outset?

Great guess. According to this site we have the following:

What cost $1 in 1961 would cost $6.58 in 2006. Also, if you were to buy exactly the same products in 2006 and 1961, they would cost you $1 and $0.15 respectively.


One admitted his purpose for being here: "It's three days away from work."

Yep. It's all a game. I am still going through my period of "I'm only interested in doing customer related work" -- avoiding internal projects -- but then, like you, I see our customers are just playing games also. I mean, who really cares if product x,y,z is implemented on budget and on schedule at the customer? We do what we do to pay the bills.

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