Friday, February 25, 2005

Angels -- Songs and People

I am deeply grateful to the Lord for giving you another clean bill of health, brother. I can't begin to imagine what it must be like -- both to live with the spectre of the cancer returning and to feel the tremendous relief to hear that you are for now still rid of the disease. As I sit here and type this, I'm reminded -- convicted, really -- of how the concerns and turmoils of my heart are so small, so trivial compared to what you and others go through. I am thankful to a loving God who finds a way to provide such needed reminders in ways that touch the right note at just the right time.

There are some who's nature is so caring, so giving, that they can perform a role like Tracey did for you back in 2002. Whether she is really an angel in the Biblical sense I really can't say. But that she was directed by Christ to touch you at that particular time is something I have no trouble believing at all. I am reminded of the story in the Gospel of John where Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. It was an act of uncommon humility and service, done out of love. There was Tracey, doing something similar, reaching out to you when it might have been better to remain distant.

There is something about such selfless acts like that which reaches right to the core of my heart and moves me deeply. Earlier in this blog I wrote about the woman who held dying infants in her arms so their last moment of life could be one of love and acceptance. Do I have the capacity to do the same? To some degree, perhaps. But as selflessly as others like Tracey? Probably not. At least not yet.

In a war-torn world, full of division and strife, there exists untold thousands -- perhaps millions -- of such "angels," serving in relative obscurity, unnoticed by the world, but watched over by a loving God who knows a thing or two about service himself.

* * *
I went out to iTunes and listend to Robbie Williams' "Angels." Very nice tune; gentle and melodic.

* * *
May the Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, brother.

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