Thursday, October 12, 2006

A Whole

Cox then said, "That's because you live on the other side of the planet."

That's like saying "I really wish you weren't so far away buddy".

You won't agree with me but:

The install jobs Mr C wrote have cost at least 10 times more in problems than he ever made for the company -- know this -- and don't feel too bad.

PS. Such a statement about "other side of the planet" is only valid if you assume that the planet only consists of the Continental United States. Which is not uncommon among certain American citizens and is the height of arrogance as far as I am concerned.

What is a "Chav?"

Chav is a derogatory slang term in popular usage throughout the UK. It refers to a subculture stereotype of a person who is uneducated, uncultured and prone to antisocial or immoral behaviour. The label is typically, though not exclusively, applied to teenagers and young adults of white working-class or lower-middle class origin. Chav is used for both sexes, where a male chav is sometimes referred to as a chavster and a female as a chavette. ...

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