Friday, October 06, 2006

EWR gate 53

I can't recall exactly how many times I have sat at this table in this airport bar opposite gate 53 waiting to get the Virgin VS02 plane home to the UK. 20 .. 30? I dunno.

US Airports embarrass me because I have to take my shoes off, which relieves me of my walking foot brace, so then I hobble around like the gimp I am and everyone looks at me, although I am getting much better at being the centre of attention than I used to be.

Whilst putting my shoes back on I thought about all of the times and years that I was fully bodily able and felt a loss. These emotions are sent to try us, to test how we cope with change and loss I think.


Why would humans feel desire in the first place? Is desire a hangover from a hunger for food perhaps? The food which we need to survive but somehow the message gets short circuited so we think we need an iPod or a life-partner? Not sure.

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