Sunday, October 08, 2006


In either case, Kelly McGillis looked good in the movie Witness, all of 21 years old that film now.

Yes she did. She did indeed. :-)

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I am off to zExpo in Orlando. I present three sessions.

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Sorry to hear about your airport experience in the United States. I'm a bit surprised that the same treatment isn't done in airports overseas. But as I sit and reflect on it, I seem to recall that security at Beijing airport was pretty light by U.S. standards.

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I saw a movie on the plane back from Canada -- Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Anniston in "The Breakup." I like Jennifer Anniston ... I think she's a far better actress than many give her credit for. Still, this movie was a bad project. The movie is fundamentally flawed. The movie never establishes any reason why we should be sympathetic to the two main characters. The film starts and almost immediately goes into the two of them bickering. I could find absolutely no sense of concern or compassion for either of them. So for me, the movie was an uncomfortable experience.

Still, Jennifer Anniston is cute.

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My new T60p shipped. I'll be its proud papa in a few days. :-)

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