Monday, January 29, 2007

Reality and Happiness

But it's scary to think that reality should be based on our intuition.

I think the question is whether the "models we construct for the Universe" alter or create the reality. Reality may be what it is, and our intuitive construction of the models may have nothing at all to do with it. There was a time when humans believed atoms were the smallest unit of matter. That was their model. The reality was -- and is -- quite different.

I've long held that our view of "reality" is partial at best, and we'll never know the fullness of it.

* * *
It's just a wonderful thing that you and your daughter have found a space in which to be happy and to start to grow again. The turn of events that allowed this seemed so improbable just a short year or so ago.

Good for you, young man. Good for you!

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