Monday, January 01, 2007

Few will miss him

Wow I am really trying to play catch up with our blog - my apologies my time management skills are pretty awful right now.

On your "Bread Needs Yeast" post, yes I read your original and it's stuff we have debated before on the order of the two commandments in the New Covenant.

"Google tipping point" - you've seen the Googlezon video right? Even wikipedia has an entry on Googlezon now. But what's a hard-core leftist though? Is it so easy to categorize folks into "left" and "right"? I like their slogin "Don't be evil" although one needs to define evil of course. One definition of evil behavior could be "treating others as you yourself would not like to be treated back". I can't think of any other definitions of evil that don't need some external moral arbiter, in which case one gets into all sorts of difficulties. Google are "on the up" but all businesses (like empires) rise and then fall, and I'm sure the same will happen with Google, when this will happen is another matter and as you say -- and as Googlezon suggests -- most probably not in the next few years.

"Milestones" hmm we've known eachother 9 years! Trying something similar:

Today -- my daughter and I celebrate our second New Year together
2 weeks - my daughter decides to live with me (she says "It seems like years!")
3 years -- since my 40th birthday where I went to see Paul Weller with a friend in London
4 years -- cancer
5 years -- since I moved away from work location to be closer to my daughter
6 years -- kidney removed
8 years -- since my daughter and I were separated
8.5 years -- divorced for second time
9 years -- since you and I met
9.5 years -- birth of my daughter
10 years -- married for second time
10 years -- since I joined my current department (moving from London to South UK)
17 years -- divorced for first time
19 years -- married for first time
20 years -- joined our company
21 years -- since I graduated from University, joined British Airways in London
27 years -- since I left home at aged 15 and went to live above a shop in London
36 years -- since my family moved to Wimbledon, London, UK
43 years -- since I was born
14 billion years -- The Big Bang

"Trashy Times Square" -- this reminds me of Greenpeace protesting against nuclear research, when it is the only thing that will save most life on Earth from extinction care of a large stone. When you say "remarkably unaware of the irony" that just about sums it up. My experience is a lot of those folks follow fashion and rarely bother to think for themselves.


Oh and the title of the post is for Saddam, God made sure that he got his. Question: is he really dead?


Happy New Year !

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