Sunday, January 28, 2007

Intuitively appealing

I think that they can in fact stipulate whatever they please. But intuitively unappealing axioms cast a suspect light on the results, right?

I think you are correct. But it's scary to think that reality should be based on 0ur intuition. Really scary. Because it means that whatever rules we find for the universe are based entirely upon our perception of it rather that how it actually is. If it "is" anything. We get back to totalitarian existentialism and truth is relative.

If the models we construct for the Universe are based on intuition then, I mean, is your intuition the same as my intuition? Those parallel lines may well cross (perhaps though gravitational distortion) - like an ant walking - apparently always - in a "straight line" on the surface of a sphere.

Very scary indeed!


This is a problem for me because I have a heightened sense of needing to feel worthwhile.

It's a pity more people didn't have some of this attribute, but too much of it will just depress you I can see that. God made you just as you are so enjoy how he made you? I agree with you about the "illusion of productivity" - nice phrase. If you really look at the value that most folks make to the bottom line it is nine times out of ten equal to zero and often counter-productive. What to do though? Well the only people we can modify the behavior of is ourselves really, so let's make sure we try to avoid this illusion. For me I find that it takes a watchful eye on what I get involved in.


I am happy my friend and my daughter is happy too. We are both really happy. She's even putting on a little weight. In the car yesterday I looked for the traffic in the rear view mirror and caught myself, my reflection looked relaxed and happy - a shock - something I have not seen for years! Thank you God for answering our prayers. No matter what happens, I have known real happiness and I am very very grateful for that.

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