Sunday, November 13, 2005

Teaching children

Interesting article. On your counters:

1. If evolution is a "settled fact" then the author of the article you pointed at would say that it is not science. On the other hand if evolution is "a theory" then the author would claim that it is science, and that it would be able to be taught in US schools as such - without legal challenge.

2. To those just say "who designed the process of natural selection then?" Or better, "why on Earth do we have natural selection at all?"

3. Yes I can see that.

4. Actually the article was saying that ID cannot be disproved, so therefore is not science. That's interesting, because in that, ultimately he is saying things that cannot be measured are not science. For instance, take the charge of the electron, everyone who measures it gets the same result - BUT one day it might be measured to have a different quantity. The theory that the charge on the electron is always what we measure it to be today can be disproved - but only by measurement. It remains of course to be seen if it will every vary from what we see today - but the possibility exists.

5. That sounds like a conspiracy theory my friend !

On the subject of what should be taught in schools - why not teach the kids that ID is a possibility, it might be right or wrong -- but like everything we will probably never know. It could be that humans were designed by another intelligence, perhaps the intelligence that also created the Universe.

On the subject of teaching children (either in or out of schools) do you believe that children should be taught "you must believe in faith X because that is the one true faith" ?

I personally do not. I believe that we should teach our children about all of he different religions and let them make their own minds up. For every indoctrinated Christian child I see, and I see many, I know that there is an indoctrinated Muslim child getting the same treatment somewhere else in the world. It makes me very sad. The parents I have broached this with clearly believe that they are saving their children, or giving them more chance of being saved.

This should be joyous, but somehow to me it is incredibly sad nontheless. Maybe I am working for Satan and don't know it?

On my experiment. I wrote on a blank sheet of paper asking The Lord or any time travellers to kindly write the solution to RSA-2048 and placed said sheet under a cushion on the sofa. I even left the back door unlocked to save any time traveller needing to break it (in cast they could not materialize inside of my house) - but no, the sheet was blank the next day I checked it.

Is this science? Hmm, I never really had a theory, but yes I guess if I did it can be disproved. It involves measurement, yes I would say that it is science, and the evidence for The Lord or time travellers is not looking good based solely upon this one experiment. Good job that there is lots of other evidence, well for The Lord anyway.

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