Monday, November 21, 2005

On the origin of ... er ... geeks?

Nice map site. You're a map geek! Geeks aren't so bad, in fact there is somewhat of a geek chic going around right now. Even my daughter thinks it's ok to be a geek as long as you take care to wear the right clothes.

I'm a science/computer/chess/sci-fi geek. I have all of these movies:

From your reading of The Bible: Is there anything to indicate that we humans might be some long lost colony? I've got the feeling that we're not local to this planet (we're so much more advanced). I don't mean the physical bits we are made of, just our design. We clearly share the same left handed proteins as the rest of life on this planet. Our bodies have common roots with all the animals and plants of the Earth.

Arthur C Clarke really had a nice idea with the monolith coming to help us. Is he completely wrong if one believes in The Bible however?

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