Friday, November 04, 2005

Is Evolution Unassailable?

Today I had an e-mail exchange with a writer for National Review Online. He is a fierce critic of "Intelligent Design," claiming it is "not science." Fair enough. I asked him, via e-mail, if using science to question the claims of evolution was itself not science. That, I explained, was how I saw the serious proponents of "Intelligent Design" operating -- not so much "if not evolution, therefore a literal interpretation of the creation account in Genesis is required," but rather something more akin to "evolution fails to explain X; therefore evolution may not fully explain our existence."

His response: "Two wrongs don't make a right. Scientists have no business dealing in non-scientific things in a scientific setting."

So, using science to question to the claims of another scientific theory (evolution) is non-scientific.

Either the theory of evolution is completely unassailable, or there's some horribly inconsistent thinking going on out there.

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