Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Financial Whiz-Kids

I agree with your assessment -- they don't create anything, and they seem to reap enormous windfalls from it. They are paid to come up with ever-more-creative schemes that are little more than a numbers racket. They make their millions, retire at 40, then go and buy themselves a seat in the U.S. Senate. (That's a reference to Jon Corzine of New Jersey. He paid something like $80M of his own money to "purchase" the seat from that state, and now, six years later, he's come to realize that all is not glory in that august body. So he's "retiring" from the Senate and is running for governor of New Jersey.)

* * *
Aside from your daughter, what's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen (or experienced) in your life? It can be a "thing," an event, a moment ... whatever.

I'm not sure I know what my candidate for that would be.

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