Sunday, November 27, 2005

Me Fat? Why, yes ... I believe you're correct.

Given my new-found ability to eat -- the medication is really working well -- I may very well get fat. At my lowest point I'd dropped to 154 pounds. I'm back up to 158 after only about 4 days of normal eating. I have to curb my enthusiasm and eat sensibly.

I've noticed a similar kind of sadness in the way people go about their activities in preparation for the holidays (we can't go uttering the C-word, you know). It's almost as if there's a burden of obligation associated with it. Lisa and I don't exchange gifts anymore -- neither of us needs or wants anything that we don't already have, and I can't stand the notion of shopping in general. We still put up a tree and all that ... Lisa loves that stuff. :-)

* * *
I saw a scene today that broke my heart. It was of a woman I'm fairly certain is homeless. She had with her a dog, who was limping along on a front leg that had been bandaged up with duct tape. The dog very clearly needed professional medical attention when the injury first occurred, but the woman probably couldn't afford it, judging by the clearly home-made splint/bandage.

It literally tore my heart -- and still does.
  • What could I realistically do?
  • Should I feel guilty that I seem to have more concern for the dog than the woman?
  • I walked away from it -- and now it's haunting me

There is so much pain and suffering in this world, and I am but one person. :-(

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