Friday, November 04, 2005

Nothing is Unassailable

You wrote:

" ... evolution fails to explain X; therefore evolution may not fully explain our existence."

Spot on. Your logic is exactly the scientific method. I suggest that you tell the chap what you think that the "X" is that evolution does not explain and then to see what his answer is.

He wrote:

"Scientists have no business dealing in non-scientific things in a scientific setting."

Nonsense, that's a [popular] cop out - a failure of nerve. I would counter that everything is within the realm of science, even God. God is not limited by science but God is of that nature. Just look at pi, phi, the Universe etc. Remember Clarke's Third Law as modified by deep.thought?:

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from miracles".

Very unsatisfying I agree, I need my supernatural! But I am unable to refute it, yet.

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