Sunday, November 06, 2005


According to I share birthdays with

Catherine of Aragon
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Jane Austen
Noel Coward
Philip K Dick
Liv Ullman

and, of course

Arthur C Clarke

I found much delight in the fact that I was born on the same day as Sir Arthur. I only found that out this year. When I was a child/teenager his books were always my favourite. He had a great impact on my thinking, especially with two books "Profiles of the Future" (which I received and read on my 9th birthday) and "2001: A Space Odyssey". I still say that that film is my #1 movie of all time.

"Imperial Earth" and "The Fountains of Paradise" (oh joy at the space elevator we are going to build!) were right up there too. Then Rama of course.

Note that Dec 16 is also Kazakhstan independence day!

How about you good self sir? Who was born on your birthday?

There are moves afoot to print wikipedia by the way, mainly to be distributed in poorer countries (such as some African nations).

I loathe blogger when it's acting up. I now create my appends in winword, and then copy & paste in before the big "publish". I hope I get to see what you wanted to say! Perhaps another method would be to create them in the blogger, but just select all and copy before you "publish post". That way at least if there is a network error, you'll have everything saved in the windows clipboard. Yes thinking about it that may be the best approach.

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