Thursday, May 24, 2007

Oh, Heathcliff!

I am back from my excursion to the wilds of Canada. Here's a picture of me, greatly deprived of liquid sustenance:

In four days me and one other consumed 56 bottles of beer. It requires some pacing to do that. I can attest that beer with breakfast is a combination that works.

And I darned near starved, too:

That is our breakfast creation, consisting of eggs and potatoes as a base, with SPAM, cheese and -- yes -- sauerkraut as filler. Oh, and hot sauce and jalapeƱo peppers. It was, despite the list of ingredients, quite tasty.

I had two of those at one sitting. I did not eat lunch.

* * *
Why did I choose the title I did for this post? Because while up there, I came across a 57 year old paperback copy of Wuthering Heights. I had never read that before. I have now read it. Some comments on that piece of literature:
  • Strikingly dark and ferocious ... particularly for that time era.
  • The role of Heathcliff would seem to me one most "serious" actors would relish
  • I disagree with the way young Linton became married to young Catherine, thus turning ownership of Thrushcross Grange over to Heathcliff, completing his act of vengeance. It didn't seem plausible. Expeditious, yes; plausible, no.
  • I would love to visit York just to see the scenery I now have in my mind.
I can see similarities between this work and Pride and Prejudice, particularly in the way society is ordered. But from there the similarities end. In Pride, the importance of civility is held manifest; in Wuthering it seems presented as a thin facade.

Still, an enjoyable book to read! :-)

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