Saturday, May 26, 2007

Movie Night

You know, it's possible that you and your missus are turning English mate. Lessons in high tea and Wuthering Heights are clear indicators :)


On Wednesday my daughter and I got to see "The Pursuit of Happyness", ok now I get the mispelling. We both loved it, my favourite moment was the shining almost star-like light coming on on the bone density machine in the dark and dank mission ... what a relief and it was interesting to see the Chris character played by Will lift up a silent prayer. Light is, and has always been, a powerful metaphor for goodness and hope.

The movie stripped some of the struggle and the fears involved with parenthood down to the nub, wanting to do well for your child (and yourself) and fears of not being able to provide, along with keeping the whole thing magical (ie. "the cave") so that your child gets to enjoy being a child without having to take on the cares of adulthood too soon, which they will have to do all too soon really anyway.

Tonight I'll take a peak at Apocalypto, K is at her mothers.


Yes I think you're correct about the diesel nozzle not fitting in the gasoline tank - I never really thought about the problem being asymmetrical though, I assumed the wrong fuel would break the right engine, and didn't conciously think about the smaller nozzle being able to fit into the larger hole.


Next week on Saturday June 2nd, K will obtain 10 years. On Friday June 1st we'll have a party and I will take the troupe to the local lake for boating and rope swinging (not me on the ropes) and then for a sleep over at our house. K and the girls will take over the lounge and DVD player/TV. We even have a movie camera shaped whack-pinata! How old is K going to be ... TEN !! Double figures.

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