Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Inverted Responses

Truth is, I'm angry with myself for dropping the ball on this ... I should have been more diligent but I wasn't. And now time is up and I have to admit failure.

You'd be surprised at how few reviewers successfully make 100% of the supposed pre-requisite calls to the people acting as references, sounds like he's a good guy who will make it through, and that you've made a fair assessment. I too think this is an archetypal management role - ah this is a good topic of conversation over a beer.

Maybe. But my problem is I don't know where the off switch is. Guess what happens when a 50 watt bulb burns at 100 watts for too long.

SO HAVE A RELAXING TIME OFF OK?? Sorry for the shouting :)

Sure. But depending on the nature and extent of the change, might not a cautious approach be indicated?

Agreed, indeed.

"Dispense with the first date nonsense. That can come later. Let's have sex. If that works, then we'll find out a little more about each other."

I mean how do you know you even want to have sex with someone until AFTER the first date, or at the very minimum at the end of the evening of the first date.

I look upon this whole sex thing as something I once did in the past - I'm interested in it now not from a personal perspective but to learn how best to advise my daughter. I know she'll go her own way and make her own mistakes, but my desire for her to lead a happy life means I need to find something to say to her in this area. The best thing I have come up with so far is along the lines of:

"We spend too much time looking for the perfect lover and not enough time building the perfect love"

Having said that, if the sexual chemistry is not there between two people then I think the relationship is ultimately doomed to failure because at some point either party will find someone else - someone with whom this chemistry does exist - and this is often enough to convince them to move on. So clearly, sexual chemistry is very important.

I was talking to some chess folk on the server this evening and a few of them had avoided getting married in their lives - and they gave similar reasons - they didn't like the odds of their partner betraying them. Such probability hounds are chess players!

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