Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Universe is a Napkin?

Well ... that explains a lot! :-)

I've heard other explantions of the universe being like a donut, or some other deviation of the traditional 3-D model. I suppose they're elegant, but my brain simply can't wrap around them. I can barely wrap my mind around the concept of infinity, and I'm not sure I really have a good grasp on that.

Face it, deep.thought -- you have a blogging partner who is rather pedestrian in his imagination.

Now there's a question -- where and how did the word "pedestrian" become a pejorative? lists the third description as "undistinguished; ordinary." But they give no history. Let's go see what Wikipedia has to offer ...

... nope, nothing there on the origin of the use of the term as "undistinguished," though the article does mention that. There's a fascinating write-up there on the sport of "pedestrianism," which was quite the rage in England in the 18th and 19th centuries.

* * *

I am flying back to the D.C. area tomorrow (Monday).

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