Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Onion is or is not

I think I see the point you're making. You're saying that "reality" might be infinitely large, and therefore beyond our ability to ever achieve comprehension. Okay. In some ways I agree with that.

The point that I've been trying to make, and will continue to make, is that either God "exists" (in whatever infinite state you wish to imagine) or does not exist. But his existence isn't dependent on an individual's belief in it.

There is a strong undercurrent in this post-modern secular world to create in our minds a god that serves our purposes. There are many who hold that if I believe God exists, then he exists ... but only for me. Another person who does not believe that God exists means that God does not exist for that person.

That, of course, is absurd. God either exists -- again, in whatever supernatural form his existence takes -- or does not, regardless of what we may believe.

Your point ... if I understand it correctly ... is that the nature of God's existence, the very nature of God himself, is an infinite onion that's beyond our ability to reach a singular conclusion.

That's fine by me. But the onion (God) exists or does not, regardless of my belief in the onion.

* * *

Congratulations on reaching 3000 points.

Geek! :-)

Now go for 3100.

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