Sunday, January 08, 2006


Died: Galileo Galilei - January 8th 1642

300 years passed

Born: Stephen Hawking - January 8th 1942

A nice coincidence. Happy Birthday Stephen.


I believe that short circuiting normal space to get from A to B quickly may be possible by travelling through a fourth spacial dimension at much less than the speed of light.

Eg. Grab a (essentially 2D) napkin; to travel from corner to corner might be 10 cm across the 2D flat surface, but if you bend the corners through 3D space and touch them together, then the distance between corner to corner across 3D space is not much at all. In fact, the points are congruent. Elevate the argument up one dimension and there is a chance to travel between two points in 3D space very quickly indeed. Just need a way to bend 3D space :-)

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