Tuesday, June 21, 2005


And a summer one in the northern hemisphere, a shame that the days are getting shorter now.

Reading the first part of your post I assume that the heat down there has made you slightly doolally? :-)

I think my favourite part in Star Wars 3, was when Obi-Wan and Anakin were brought onto the bridge of General Grevious' ship. One droid squeezes past Obi-Wan to give a stolen lightsabre to his boss and says to Obi "excuse me" (what a polite droid!) Then the droid's boss, General Grevious, grabs the lightsabre out of the droid's hand upon which happenstance the droid sarcastically whispers "you're welcome"! He was quite put out by the bad manners of his evil captain! This is all done in such a quiet and low-key way, and so completely incidental to the plot, that I find it quite hilarious. Lucas really taking the michael. But that's just me.

To me the puddle post shows us how wrong we can "get it" -- depending on our point of view. Take non-Christians for example.

Current song: "Fight The Power" -- Public Enemy

PS. I really can't get into that type of "Ode to a dead wooden log in the sky" type of poetry either. I'm far too practical.

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