Sunday, June 05, 2005

Eternal Universe

First, let me tackle the proof that a "Lighty" caused the Big Bang. Recently, during some research on the web, I came across this e-mail:

From: Random Chance
To: Head Lighty
Date: (meaningless tag; time not yet invented)

Subject: Big Bang

This weekend, do me a favor, okay? There's a big red circuit breaker in the breaker box. It's labeled "Big Bang." Pop that sometime next Tuesday. There'll be a bright flash and a loud noise, but not to worry. Just cover your ears.

There you go ... proof positive. :-)

* * *
You see the thing I'm grappling with, right? If the universe is eternal -- exploding, expanding, collapsing, exploding -- then by definition it could not have been created by God. That means one of two things: God doesn't exist, or God is not the supreme being we have come to believe. At best he would be co-eternal or co-created by a still-higher power. If that's the case, then the entire theological structure comes tumbling down.

These are not the words of a man frightened by the prospect of some invalidation of the Christian doctrine. I am quite sure there'll be no definitive proof of "infinite universes" and the like. This is just me mulling the logical framework of the doctrine of God as presented in the Bible. Either he is the creator of everything, or he's not God. It's really that simple. At least to me.

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